Random problems with filesystem corruption.

Gene Heskett gheskett at shentel.net
Sun Dec 15 23:16:08 UTC 2019

On Sunday 15 December 2019 16:07:01 Ralf Mardorf via ubuntu-users wrote:

> I had several magenta/red SATA cables that were without failure.
> _But_, I run into issues since the connectors were without a clamp. I
> needed to hot glue all the SATA connectors of my old magenta/red SATA
> cables to get rid of issues. FWIW nowadays I'm using yellow and black
> SATA cables with clamps :D.

Yes, I have quite a mix of colors now, but no red ones. 5 altogether in 
this machine. All with latches, BUT two of those bad puppies I've saved 
are red, with latches so probably newer.. But no one knows if the cable 
they were made from was fresh, or 10 yo NOS. Toss a quarter (and hope it 
obeys the law and comes back down) to decide that I suspect.

Take care Ralf.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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