Help with screen comand

stan stanb at
Thu Dec 5 15:19:03 UTC 2019

On Fri, Dec 06, 2019 at 02:14:01AM +1100, Karl Auer wrote:
> On Thu, 2019-12-05 at 09:45 -0500, stan wrote:
> > I have used the screen command in the past, but it has been quite a
> > while.
> > [...]
> > I get no response to the CTRL A keystroke. Should this not put me in
> > the command prompt (: at the bottom of the screen?
> Screen uses CTL-A as the command key and it is always followed by the
> actual command, e.g. CTL-A then '?' to see key bindings.
> I vaguely remember some serial comms program that did work somewhat as
> you describe - was it minicom?
OH, that brings back memories. Yes, I used to have a number of systems
deployed that used a combination of minicom, and screen.

I did get beyond this, I was not hitting the : to get to the command line.
At this point in time, I can create a session, and join it multiple times
as my user, but cannot get another user attached, see the email I sent to
the list a few minutes ago.

Thanks for the fast response.

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						-- Benjamin Franklin

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