Weird CLI behaviour.
Owen Thomas
owen.paul.thomas at
Mon Dec 2 02:35:52 UTC 2019
Hello there.
When I list files through a CLI session on Ubuntu 16.04, under the dist
directory of my java ant project, I get the following:
owen at owen-Latitude-E5570:~/NetbeansProjects/CliqueSpace/Current/trunk/RelayNeuron/dist$
lib README.TXT RelayNeuron.jar
Great! I then instruct my Netbeans installation to clean and build my
project. and try again:
owen at owen-Latitude-E5570:~/NetbeansProjects/CliqueSpace/Current/trunk/RelayNeuron/dist$
<nothing appears>
That's odd I say to myself. So I try to be a little trickier:
owen at owen-Latitude-E5570:~/NetbeansProjects/CliqueSpace/Current/trunk/RelayNeuron/dist$
ls ../dist/
lib README.TXT RelayNeuron.jar
I conclude by saying to myself that something appears amiss with the Ubuntu
CLI session. How quaint. Any ideas?
I'll cut your code at an intensity and from a place of my own choosing.
Clique Space(TM). Anima ex machina.
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