Comparing two directories

Little Girl littlergirl at
Tue Aug 27 23:03:15 UTC 2019

Hey there,

Lee Underwood wrote:

>I have a directory with graphics in it, i.e., Graphics/example. In
>order to include it in the shortcuts listing I renamed it, i.e.,
>Graphics/Graphics-example  (or at least that is what I thought I had
>done.). However, I somehow created a new directory with the files
>copied to it. Over time, w/o noticing, I have saved files to both
>sub-directories. How can I compare the two directories to find any
>different files?

I really like Meld for that. It's in the Ubuntu package manager and
it can compare directories and files. Another good one is FSlint. I
use that for finding duplicate files, but it's capable of a whole
lot more. Or, if you prefer the command line, you could do a dry run
with rsync, which is installed in Ubuntu by default, I believe, and
if it isn't, is in the package manager.

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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