Ubuntu to Arch complete data migration

Matt Zand mahdiumd at gmail.com
Mon Aug 12 19:20:26 UTC 2019

I want to move all my files and folders from a Ubuntu laptop to another
brand new computer (ubuntu OS). I have localhost with web server (Apache,
PHP, etc). I want to clone everything including users.

My questions
1- what is the easiest way to do this?
2- do I need to partition hard-drive of new PC exactly as old one?
3- will root and other user credentials stay the same?

Any other suggestion appreciated,


Matt Zand
Cell: 202-420-9192
Work: 240-200-6131
High School Technology Services <https://myhsts.org/>
DC Web Makers <https://dcwebmakers.com/>
Coding Bootcamps <https://coding-bootcamps.com/>
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