Alt+Tab not working on 19.04

Colin Law clanlaw at
Tue Aug 6 19:54:54 UTC 2019

On Tue, 6 Aug 2019 at 17:58, C de-Avillez <hggdh2 at> wrote:
> Hello Colin,
> I do not remember seeing this on 19.04; but on Eoan I do experience
> Alt-Tab not working every so often. Since I upgraded from 19.04, there
> may be something left over from the upgrade process (which *did* fail
> at the end, but had progressed enough to set me in Eoan).
> What I found so far is that if I select the icon on the taskbar
> (usually I have more than one session for terminal/byobu and/or
> Chromium), Alt-Tab starts working again.

I can't seem to get it going at all.  Probably of relevance is the
fact that if I am in a terminal then Alt+tab displays characters in
the terminal (^[ followed by some spaces) which suggests it is not
getting intercepted by whatever should intercept it.

I do notice that the Windows key+tab does switch windows.  Also google
has told me that Alt+back tick and Win+back tick cycle through the
windows of one app (for example if I have multiple terminal windows
open then it cycles through them.


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