Restoring backups and effect on GRUB

Colin Watson cjwatson at
Tue Aug 6 08:53:59 UTC 2019

On Mon, Aug 05, 2019 at 08:37:17PM -0400, Rashkae wrote:
> There was an issue with either Ubuntu 14.04 or 16.04 with regards to
> some obscure sub-directory in either /proc or /sys that caused very
> early boot issues if it was missing... But I don't know how important
> preserving /dev nodes are.  They do still exist.

Yeah, I think there are a few that may still exist on the root
filesystem for one reason or another, but that's basically an accident
that it hasn't been worth anyone's time to clean up.  The initramfs puts
a tmpfs mount on top of the root filesystem's /dev before doing anything
interesting there.

I know things are OK without anything in the root filesystem's /dev
because my laptop has an empty /dev even under the tmpfs mount (so it
may be inconsistent across installations, perhaps depending on exactly
when you installed your system and with exactly which class of image).
Similarly, /proc and /sys on my laptop are empty even under the mounts.
Everything's fine.

Colin Watson                                       [cjwatson at]

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