advanced options in openvpn

Ralf Mardorf silver.bullet at
Sat Aug 3 18:05:11 UTC 2019

On Sat, 3 Aug 2019 19:19:40 +0200, Gary J. Kirkpatrick wrote:
>Alt drag moves the box but won't move it any higher than it is.

I'm using a script based upon xdotool and wmctrl to automatically move
the active window, if it hides the title bar under the top panel. IOW
if you can't move the window by pushing Alt+left_mouse_button, you
still could move it by command line.

Openbox for example allows to move a window by that shortcut, wherever
the mouse pointer is located inside of a window. IIRC it's not that easy
when using jwm and perhaps other WMs, too. However, since it is
possible for you to move the window this way, it is strange, that you
can't move it higher, since there should be no limit.

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