ubuntu-qygzanxc at
Sun Sep 30 17:39:46 UTC 2018
** Reply to message from Paul Smith <paul at> on Sun, 30 Sep
2018 09:53:48 -0400
> On Sat, 2018-09-29 at 23:12 -0700, Bob wrote:
> > > This hasn't changed since 18.04 was released.
> >
> > On my system there are only 4 options
> >
> > About
> > Date & Time
> > Users
> > Default Applications
> Thanks for that detail. That explains everything.
> This means that you're looking at the "Details" sub-menu in the
> Settings dialog.
> Look at the upper-left of the window and you'll see a left arrow "<"
> button. Click that to get back to the main window of settings and
> you'll find all the other settings that you're missing.
The problem was that the "<" was not on the screen.
> If you look at that left-side menu at the bottom you'll see the
> "Details" item and if you click it you'll again get back to the screen
> you see now, with "About", "Date & Time", "Users", and "Default
> Applications".
> If instead of "Details" you select "Devices", you'll get where you need
> to be to rearrange your screens.
> I suppose it can be confusing that the Settings dialog remembers where
> you last were and opens back up at that same panel, rather than
> restarting at the root menu screen, but that's the way it's always
> worked IIRC.
The confusing thing is that the screen has been shifted about 5/8 of an inch to
the left so you do not see all of the screen data.
When I started to add the second monitor I had problems. If the monitor is
connected to the laptop with an HDMI cable it is unusable because of mouse
problems. If the monitor is connected to the laptop with a VGA cable the
external monitor shifts the screen data 5/8 of an inch left. Because of this I
was using the external monitor in mirror mode, that way all of a window was on
the screen and the task bar on the left of the screen was mostly off screen.
Then an update was done and the update must have changed the external screen to
join mode. In join mode any window that comes up on external monitor has the
left side of the screen missing so the back arrow was not visible.
The next thing I need to do is find a fix for the shifted data on the external
monitor when it is connected with a VGA cable or a fix for the mouse problems
when the external monitor is connected with an HDMI cable. So far no luck.
Robert Blair
Talk is cheap...except when Congress does it. -- Cullen Hightower
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