App version & installed?

Grizzly Real_Grizz_Adams at
Sun Sep 23 13:38:01 UTC 2018

23 September 2018  at 14:14, Oliver Grawert wrote:
Re: App version & installed? (at least in part)

>Am Sonntag, den 23.09.2018, 12:41 +0100 schrieb Grizzly via ubuntu-
>well, i still highly doubt that this binary comes from an archive
>package, the archive upload checks would have refused to let such a
>package in and looking at the archive package (in either 16.04 or
>18.04) i get:
>$ dpkg -L aircrack-ng|grep bin/aircrack

>note that /usr/local/bin comes before /usr/bin in the PATH variable for
>the above reasons (to allow the admin to override packaged binaries
>with local builds from source). so even if you would install the
>archive package the binary from /usr/local will still be used until you
>completely remove it there ...

I assume that 

apt --purge remove aircrack-ng

will not help or even work, and 

rm /usr/local/bin//aircrack*

is going cause problems?

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