Alienware 17 R5 - The Final Puzzle Piece - suspend / resume

Chris Patti cpatti at
Thu Sep 20 02:42:47 UTC 2018

Greetings everyone!

My wife bought me an Alienware 17 R5 laptop for my birthday, and I am
loving it :) It runs Ubuntu 18.04.1 great!

I managed to get the wifi working (upgrade to the latest 4.18.5
kernel), the touchpad working (blacklist the i2c_hid module) and the
graphics working great (binary ubuntu drivers - whcih auto-blacklists
the problematic nouveau module - though this may have been a red
herring? Not sure.)

Anyway, the final piece of the puzzle I can't figure out is suspend / resume.

I started working through the tips found in:

But now, after I ran through it the first time, my system won't
suspend at all when the lid is closed! It used to suspend fine (or
seem to?) but then when I lifted the lid, the power light would come
up, the fan would run at full tilt, bpower down but the screen would
go black, and I'd need to hard power off the system by holding the
power button for three seconds.

Can anyone suggest any next steps please? I am not afraid of debugging
and am willing to try anything, I'm just running out of ideas.

(P.S. I also posted this on Ask Ubuntu -
 - but none of the answers there have worked for me as of yet.)
Christopher Patti - Geek At Large | GTalk: cpatti at | P: (260) 54PATTI
"Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage.
If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go
out and get busy." ― Dale Carnegie

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