(Addendum) Re: replacement or supplement for Nautilus

Ken D'Ambrosio ken at jots.org
Fri Sep 14 17:18:29 UTC 2018

> Good call, Bret!  I'll second Caja -- works like a champ.  I *THINK*
> you should be able to just install it with
> apt install caja
> and kick the tires. It'll install a boatload of dependencies, but disk
> is cheap, right? ;-)  Or you can flat-out run MATE (as I do), but that
> does require either some finicky work on your part, or a re-install.

D'oh.  I should've mentioned that MATE exists precisely for reasons like 
your disenchantment: it was a fork of GNOME 2.X, because the GNOME folks 
were changing things a bunch for the 3.X release, and users weren't wild 
about all the features that were going away.  It's used fairly widely -- 
the Mint folks have it as one of their primary UIs, and Ubuntu folded it 
in for its own release a few years ago, as well.  It probably sees a bit 
less development than the newer/splashier UIs, but basically, if you 
were satisfied that GNOME 2.X was "pretty darn good enough", as I am, 
you'll like it.

$.02, YMMV, etc., etc.


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