Is there a linux Driver module for Elitech data logger RC5 ?

Bernard bdebreil at
Tue Sep 11 11:03:25 UTC 2018

Thanks for your help.
I haven't yet succeeded in getting this device working.
There were two things to be tested.
The first one was proposed by Eero, who suggested a device setup by 'CIVIC'
This software implies that a serial driver get installed first. At this 
stage, I fail to undersand. A serial driver ??  Why on Earth ?  The RC5 
Elitech device is not 'serial', it is a usb device with a usb plug... To 
my knowledge, serial modules are somewhat outdated, and I don't know of 
any recent one, years have elapsed since every computer had RS232 serial 
ports... However, supposing that such system may operate with a device 
that is connected to a usb port, I ought to give it a try. 
Unfortunately, when the matter came to download the serial driver module 
for linux on a software site in China, I found that it was all written 
in Chinese, with barely 5 or 6 English words on each page, which was not 
enough for me to understand... I tested a few zip files which  I 
couldn't unzip, the zip module saying that it couldn't find needed parts 
of the files...

A comment was made by Robert :

'It might show up as a serial port (eg /dev/ttyACM? or /dev/ttyUSB?).  You
would then need to write a program that reads and decodes the messages 

In my /dev directory, i found this :
	drwxr-xr-x  4 root       root          80 sept. 11 12:36 serial
	crw-rw----  1 root       dialout 188,   0 sept. 10 19:44 ttyUSB0

those 2 lines appear and disappear when plugging/unplugging the RC5, 
which confirms,
but I don't know what to do next.

Then Oliver did propose the second thing :

'first hit when googling "Elitech data logger RC5 linux" points to:'

the third line of the description:

	"Enables to use RC-4/RC-5 on Mac, Linux, Windows."

... kind of indicates it works'.

On this site, Brian R Mooga states that in 2015 he succeeded to get RC5 
Elitech data collector to operate on his linux system Ubuntu 14.04. His 
lsusb test said :

	Bus 002 Device 011 id 0c45:7401 Microdia

My system (Debian Stretch) says, when the device is connected to an usb 
port :

	Bus 001 Device 004 id 1a86:7523 Qin Heng Electronics HL-320 	USB-Serial 

I tested the url above
Below are the details :

I am on Debian Stretch, so I don't use 'sudo', but I log as superuser.

lsusb shows this :
	Bus 001 Device 004:ID 1a86:7523 QinHeng Electronics HL-340 USB-Serial 

while Brian got in 2015 :
	Bus 002 Device 011:ID 0c45:7401 Microdia)

However I did install Python software as suggested. It went up to the 
point :

	# cd /home/bd/tmp
	# git clone git://....................................
	# cd temper-python/
	# python install

there, I got an error message, about the instruction ', encoding' that 
was said not to be available. I then edited the file and 
removed this parameter, and tried again :

	# python install

This time, I had no errors. But, if I launch :

	# temper-poll

it says :
	Found 0 devices

I tried the same thing on my laptop running ubuntu 14.04 and got the 
same results

Thanks in advance for more help


On 05/09/2018 20:13, Eero Volotinen wrote:
> this device ? 
> Eero
> ke 5. syysk. 2018 klo 19.27 Bernard <bdebreil at 
> <mailto:bdebreil at>> kirjoitti:
>     Hi to Everyone,
>     This 'Elitech data logger RC5' is a temperature recorder available from
>     amazon. From the online notice, it is supposed to be a "windows only"
>     system. However, quite a few such apparatus can operate at least
>     basically on linux, either directly (the system appears as a usb device
>     once connected to the computer), or through a debian or ubuntu module
>     available.
>     Could anyone tell me if this may apply to the 'Elitech data logger
>     RC5',
>     and what would be the name of such module ?  If this is not the
>     case, is
>     there another temperature data logger that would work under Ubuntu ?
>     Thanks in advance for your help.
>     Bernard
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