Xubuntu 18.03 and Wine

MR ZenWiz mrzenwiz at gmail.com
Tue Sep 11 04:34:07 UTC 2018

I'm running Xubuntu 18.04 and I've been trying to get Wine installed
such that I can run iTunes on it.

My first try was to install Safari, and that worked just fine.

But iTunes...

The wiki page says I should install Wine (which is now 3.0.2), then
playonlinux, and install iTunes from there.

Wine and playonlinux install just fine.

But when I try to install iTunes 64-bit, playonlinux says I have to
install the 32-bit version, and then it installs wine 1.7.4 (!) even
though wine 3.0.2 is already installed (and works pretty well)..

If I try to install iTunes 32-bit, it says I'm running a 64-bit
machine and need to install the 64-bit version.

I haven't found a solution yet and wondered if anyone else has had
success in this (iTunes on Ubuntu or Xubuntu 18.04).



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