nvidia module without nvidia card

Christoph Pleger Christoph.Pleger at cs.tu-dortmund.de
Tue Sep 4 07:04:25 UTC 2018


can anybody tell me why the nvidia kernel module is loaded / tried to be 
loaded even when the computer has no nvidia card and the nvidia module 
is not listed in /etc/modules or /etc/modules-load.d/? In my Ubuntu 
18.04, that causes the problem that my /var/log/syslog is flooded with 
nvidia error messages, because when loading the nvidia module, udev 
actions from /lib/udev/rules.d/71-nvidia.rules are called and most of 
these actions cannot be performed successfully when no nvidia card is 

I found that the nvidia module was not loaded after changing the systemd 
default target to multi-user.target, so that X did not start. But after 
re-switching to graphical.target, I could not find anyhing about trying 
to use the nvidia driver in the X log file ...


PS: Before someone asks why I do not just simply remove the nvidia 
packages, that is because I want to create a generic package list that 
also supports computers WITH nvidia graphics hardware.

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