Sound control is gone, menus weird in 18.04.1

MR ZenWiz mrzenwiz at
Mon Sep 3 20:33:26 UTC 2018

On Mon, Sep 3, 2018 at 5:51 AM, Liam Proven <lproven at> wrote:
> What desktop were you using before?
XFCE4 - the standard that comes with Xubuntu.  I'm rather fond of it,
issues and all.

> Sounds like you need to explore Xfce and find your way around, I'm
> afraid. It's quite different from Unity or GNOME.
I've been using Xubuntu with XFCE4 since 2012.  I explore a lot, but I
don't know a lot as well.

> I have found that there are at least 2 different volume controls, and
> when the right one is added to the panel, you still might have to tell
> it what sound device it is to control.
I finally found it - it's the pulseaudio plugin.  With that added to
my panel, I also have full media key controls back.

Any advice on how to fix the apps menu format?  I tried everything I
could think of to no effect, and my Google searches are full of
information I don't need - so far.

I never give up.

Many thanks.


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