A better flabour?

Brian ad44 at cityscape.co.uk
Mon Sep 3 19:42:52 UTC 2018

On Mon 03 Sep 2018 at 13:55:02 +0100, Grizzly via ubuntu-users wrote:

> Hi All
> Truly are there some people who should not use Ubuntu?

Let them eat cake.
> I have a friend who seems able to kill or at least make unusable ever effort I 
> make to give him a Ubuntu system

It's their system. They can do what they want with it. Especially with
root access.
> I've done Live USB's (with & without persistance) run on both Mac & Wondowz 
> hardware

Kudos don't come from misspelling. "z"; "s".
> I managed an External HD install of 16.04.2  that ran from his AirBook


> Then duel boot Win10 / Trusty

Even better.

> All have been destroyed & re installed more than I care to remember

Frustrating. It's having the root access which leads to this.

> My own Systems have been (for the most part) solid, my best, an old (32 bit) 
> 12.04 that has been uped thru 14.04 and 16.04 to 18.04 (yes 18.04 does seem to 
> work even here on 32bit)
> So what is to be done ;->)

Cross him/her off your Christmas card list?


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