Ubuntu and exFAT

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Mon Sep 3 14:06:13 UTC 2018

Am Montag, den 03.09.2018, 21:59 +0800 schrieb Bret Busby:
> Hello.
> A new SSD has as its default, exFAT.
> I have seen that, to mount and use exFAT, in Ubuntu Linux, the
> command
> needs to be ran;
> sudo apt install exfat-fuse exfat-utils
> I am wondering whether the fuse stuff to enable exFAT rw access, is
> automatically included in Ubuntu 18.04, or also needs to be manually
> added in 18.04
exfat is patent encumbered ... so you cant ship/distribute it by
default (similar to the original mp3 codecs from fraunhofer back in the
days) on an iso.

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