Launcher icon size

Gene Heskett gheskett at
Mon Oct 22 11:17:47 UTC 2018

On Monday 22 October 2018 06:03:51 Liam Proven wrote:

> On Fri, 19 Oct 2018 at 19:46, Ian Bruntlett <ian.bruntlett at> 
> > I was hoping to find a GNOME extension, preferably in the Ubuntu
> > package repositories, that provides a "start menu"-like facility to
> > make it easier to migrate friends from Windows to Ubuntu Linux. It
> > is early days yet and I'm going to play around with gnomenu.
> FWIW I have been experimenting with GNOME 3 in 1804 in VMs.
> I found that a whole bunch of GNOME extensions are, as you say,
> packaged with the distro. So, I attempted to customise GNOME 3 into
> something I would find vaguely usable, along the lines of this blog
> post I wrote a little while ago:
> I found several issues:
> * If you use the packaged versions, then visiting
> will result in warnings about out-of-date extensions.
> * If you try to update them, you end up with 2 versions installed at
> once. This often results in crashes.
> * I personally can't make a desktop I like with only Ubuntu-packaged
> extensions.
> * Mixing and matching packaged extensions and ones from
> results in a system lockup and an unusable desktop
> Additionally:
> * You _can_ install VirtualBox guest additions on 18.04 but they do
> not provide graphics acceleration even on
> The only setup I have found remotely usable is to make it vaguely
> Windows-10 like, with Dash-To-Panel:
> This replaces a number of other extensions, so you don't need
> extensions to move the clock, hide the redundant "activities" button,
> etc.
> It also seems to work with the to me essential "extend system menu"
> extension.
> Also, from experiments, you can replace the GNOME app launcher with a
> menu on top of Dash To Panel.
> However, I find the horizontal panel unusable with a widescreen
> monitor. I want it vertical. D2P doesn't support that.
> So for me this is not a working setup.
> Additionally, from previous experiments, I have found that if you
> customise GNOME 3 with extensions like this, a system upgrade is
> almost certain to result in a badly broken desktop, probably one where
> you can't log in at all.
> This is reproducable on both Ubuntu and Fedora.
> And since I find the default layout of GNOME 3 unusable, this means
> that for me, GNOME 3 is unusable. It also means that if I need to
> switch desktops, I am evaluating whether I wish to stay with Ubuntu at
> all.
> Very sad times.
Liam, please take a look at TDE. Its a fork of KDE at about the 3.5 
version level, but with hundreds of bugs fixed. I'm running it on 2 of 
the more powerfull machines here, out of 7. Current version is R14.0.6. 
Very little is new, but everthing I've tried works. And still under what 
I'd call active development. If you update at least weekly, 10+ packages 
are usually updated. I agree, gnome3 is a train wreck, gtk2 was a much 
better tool, but gladevcp is now unusable, so I'm forced to use the less 
capable pyvcp for my cnc machine's gui extensions and I've lots of handy 
video gingerbread on them.  It wastes screen real estate, but otherwise 
Just Works. Even on a pi-3b that's running my biggest lathe, a 70 yo 
11x36 Sheldon. I am even compensating for bed wear.

> --
> Liam Proven - Profile:
> Email: lproven at - Google Mail/Hangouts/Plus:
> lproven at Twitter/Facebook/Flickr: lproven - Skype/LinkedIn:
> liamproven UK: +44 7939-087884 - ČR (+ WhatsApp/Telegram/Signal): +420
> 702 829 053

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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