Shares from Windows
Real_Grizz_Adams at
Mon Oct 22 06:19:52 UTC 2018
Just an observation
I was playing with shares on a mixed Windows & Ubuntu (flavours and
derivatives) home network.
Win to Win was troublesome but once I gave up on searching and just typed the
UNC of the Host (\\Host), all worked as expected (if not as advertised), all
normal shares were visible, next I tested using hidden shares, there they were
only viewable if the whole UNC (\\Host\hiddenshare$) was entered in address bar
(which is as it should be)
Now I tried the same thing from Bionic, I entered the bare Host UNC and nothing
found, then out of old habit I added smb: in front of the UNC even though I
have not installed Samba since a fresh install Xenial > Bionic, all the shares
were then viewable normal & hidden
Really glad I long ago disabled & removed the default hidden share(s) Admin$,
C$, D$ etc from all my M$ boxes, I will now have to remember to remove all
shares after use
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