'Emacs style' delete line shortcut (CTRL/U) doesn't work correctly in Firefox

Chris Green cl at isbd.net
Wed Oct 10 11:16:29 UTC 2018

On Wed, Oct 10, 2018 at 11:35:41AM +0200, Liam Proven wrote:
> On Wed, 10 Oct 2018 at 11:14, Chris Green <cl at isbd.net> wrote:
> >
> > I have the 'Emacs style' keyboard shortcuts enabled on my [x]ubuntu
> > 18.04 systems.  The shortcut I use most often is the (not really
> > Emacs) CTRL/U for deleting a line of text.
> >
> > This should delete the whole line of text even if the cursor isn't
> > placed at the end of the line.  It *does* do this in other GUIs but in
> > Firefox it just deletes from the cursor to the start of the line.
> > This makes the shortcut much less useful as it means I need to move
> > the cursor to delete the line
> That does not follow. Just press END first.
> > and this means I have to use the touchpad
> > or mouse.
> Huh? No you don't.
> >  The whole point (for me) of CTRL/U is that I don't need to
> > leave the keyboard to enter a new line.
> But you don't.
> > I'm fairly sure this *used* to work in Firefox.  Is it therefore a bug
> > I can report? .... or is there a workaround, i.e. a simple, keyboard
> > only, 'delete line' shortcut?
> The CUA way is:
> Home, Shift-End, Del
> or
> End, Shift-Home, Del
> or
> Ctrl-A, Del
> There are probably others.
> That should work on all GUIs since the late 1980s: classic MacOS, Mac
> OS X, all versions of Windows, all Windows-like Unix desktops, etc.
OK, I don't have to use the mouse/touchpad if I learn one of the
above, thank you.

However they are all two (or even three) keys rather than one so I'd
really like CTRL/U to work.

Ctrl-A, Del is no good because it *selects* the text before deleting
and thus overwites anything I have in the cut buffer.  I very
frequently us CTRL/U before pasting something I have copied from

However End, CTRL/U does work so is a reasonable workaround, two keys
a long way apart on my keyboard though!

Chris Green

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