Openbox quite messed up on Ubuntu 16.04, need sample config files..

M. Fioretti mfioretti at
Wed Oct 3 07:58:54 UTC 2018

..or so it seems on my own computer, at least.

I used openbox a lot years ago, customizing it with pipe menus and other 
stuff as I needed, then migrated to other window managers. This week I 
wanted to try it again, so installed openbox, obmenu etc.. but:

the openbox root menu is almost empty,  and I haven't found any 
*working* way to make it display the same menus of applications that 
kde, enlightenment etc... on the same machine load without problems.

obmenu / obm-xdg  are not working as expected, tutorials found online 
don't work..

I cannot 100% exclude that I messed up something during recent installs 
and upgrades, but I have a very strong feeling that something *is* quite 
broken/missing/outdated/whatever, in the "openbox in Ubuntu" docs or 

For the moment, though, the only question I have is:

is anybody here who is successfully using openbox on Ubuntu 16.04 (or 
even 18.04), and who could email me off list all the related, WORKING 
configuration files? So I can test them on my box, and figure out what 
went wrong?

Thanks in advance for the config files, and any other feedback you may 



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