
Bob ubuntu-qygzanxc at
Mon Oct 1 16:26:34 UTC 2018

** Reply to message from Paul Smith <paul at> on Mon, 01 Oct
2018 11:45:28 -0400

> On Sun, 2018-09-30 at 10:39 -0700, Bob wrote:
> > The problem was that the "<" was not on the screen.
> Oops!  It's usually a good idea to move the window so it's completely
> visible :)
> > The confusing thing is that the screen has been shifted about 5/8 of
> > an inch to the left so you do not see all of the screen data.
> I'm sure you've already investigated the hardware buttons on the
> monitor?  For some monitors those can be used to shift the display
> left/right/up/down.  If that's the problem then no amount of
> software/driver updating will help.
> Unfortunately there's not much else that we can say without knowing
> many more details such as the type of laptop, the type of monitor, the
> type of video card, etc. etc.
> I recently got a new Dell laptop for work with a "plugable" docking
> station which uses DisplayLink hardware to support (2) external
> monitors.  It required a lot of tweaking to get the (proprietary)
> DisplayLink drivers working.  Quite annoying.  It sounds like you are
> using a direct connection rather than a docking station though.

The little book that comes with the monitor was useless, I had looked at the
monitor setup but did not find anything that looked like a selection that would
move the screen.  I had to find the user manual for the display and download
it.  The menu items are not clear but with the manual I did find the
positioning information I needed.

So for now I have the external monitor working with a VGA cable.  I will need
to wait for a fix so the mouse works when the external monitor is connected
with an HDMI cable.

Thanks for everyone's help.

Robert Blair

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.  -- George Bernard Shaw

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