Why does Ubuntu 18.04 doesn't create multiple BTRFS subvolumes anymore during installation by default?

Rashkae ubuntu at tigershaunt.com
Mon Oct 1 03:27:28 UTC 2018

On 2018-09-30 07:51 AM, Thorsten Schöning wrote:

> But recently I recognized that UB 18.04 changed its default behaviour
> to exactly what I'm using now and I try to follow default installations
> as much as possible. So in theory I don't need to change anything
> anymore, unless UB decides to change their default behaviour once
> again in the near future.

I know for all intents and purposes, it works out that way,, but Ubuntu
did not change the default file layout. They changed the default
*Installer*.  Previous versions of Ubuntu Server used the Debian
installer,  for 18.04, they switched to the far less capable Ubiquity,
(or whatever they call it), GUI that they have been using for Desktop
install.  If you download the Server image prepared with the Debian
installer, it behaves just the same as before.. (though watch out for
ifupdown no longer installed by default, and if you install a desktop
over your server install, Network Manager is left with Ethernet
explicitly disabled from it's purview.. just a few of the 18.04 wtf's,,
but now I'm ranting off topic, sorry.)

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