HDMI: video, yes; audio, not so much.

Ken D'Ambrosio ken at jots.org
Thu Nov 22 01:06:03 UTC 2018

Gosh darn it.  Below, I mean my 18.04 Intel NUC works on the same 
*monitor*, not system.

On 2018-11-21 19:32, Ken D'Ambrosio wrote:
> Hey, all.  New install of 18.04.  I have an older 18.04 that works
> great from an Intel NUC on the same system.  But I've plugged in the
> new system (a Dell E7250), and while the video is terrific -- 4K and
> everything -- not so much the audio.  This is a Sharp 43" 4K set, if
> that matters.  Any suggestions on where to look/what to poke?
> Thanks!
> -Ken

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