Synaptic package reload errors

Charles IRONS irons.charles at
Wed Nov 7 17:47:50 UTC 2018

> On Tue, 6 Nov 2018 at 18:02, Charles IRONS <irons.charles at>
> wrote:..reading with gedit and counting blank lines as well:
> line 49 in sources.list looks like
> deb bionic partner
> and line 4 in xenial-partner.list is
> deb bionic partner
> Now I understand the numbers are lines, so I see the duplication.
> Will sudo gedit allow me to comment out line 49 in sources.list?
> No, don't use sudo with graphical applications or you will end up
> withroot ownership of X files in your home directory which will cause
> youproblems later.  Use sudo nano or sudo vim or some other text
> basededitor.  For simply commenting out lines sudo nano will do the
> job.Just use the keyboard to navigate.  When done use Ctrl-O, Enter
> tosave and Ctrl-X to exit.  Then reload the package info.
> Colin

Thanks again Colin. I got the comment out done and reloaded package
info without any errors.
Just did not notice to follow your save and exit advice ; dumb :(. So
fumbled around reading nano help but got it fixed in the end
Take care. Chas Our preferred address is
irons.charles at gmail.comMobile   +2783 588 0028
On Tue, 2018-11-06 at 20:38 +0000, Colin Law wrote:
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