Menu editor not working

Ralf Mardorf silver.bullet at
Thu Nov 1 02:37:48 UTC 2018

On Wed, 31 Oct 2018 12:09:13 +0100, Liam Proven wrote:
>Cinnamon requires OpenGL to work. Maté doesn't.
>Given the glitches that I have experienced, then I would not be
>surprised if others experienced different but comparable glitches.
>Such as, say, applets failing to start, as the OP describes.

Ok, so it belongs to the category "you never know". However, editing
menus based on desktop files, by a menu editor, never was satisfying.
What ever provides the feature to add what ever kind of launcher to the
menu, too, doesn't sound as a good idea either. In short, nobody should
rely on standards of that sort, let alone relying on
"user-friendly" editors for super easy management of desktop files.
Handling of such things is a task for a power user with much free time.
However, maybe the OP expects that all menus are based upon desktop
files. Actually the menus of some panels, or right click menus on the
desktop, could have a config file, instead of generating a menu based
upon standards.

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