Keybinding FUBARness.

Ken D'Ambrosio ken at
Tue Mar 27 22:01:16 UTC 2018

Hi!  I run MATE with Compiz, and love-love-love it... except for 
something that's happened very recently.  I use the 
<alt><left-mouse-button> keybinding for window movement; it's now second 
nature, and is on all my systems.  Greatest thing since sliced bread; 
don't have to even think about finding the dragbar, just drag the whole 
darn window.  Yay.

But, suddenly, it just stopped working on my primary work system.  
Points of consideration:

* Both the alt key and the mouse key work; indeed, my 
<ctl><alt><left-mouse-button> keybyinding works great, as per usual.
* Rebooted and even power cycled repeatedly.
* I moved my homedir, copied over my Compiz config to a fresh homedir, 
logged in... and it worked!  For about 20 seconds.
* ccsm shows everything the way it should be.

I assume something, somehow, is stealing this key combo, but darned if I 
know where to look.  I *have* noticed a HUD window (apparently Unity 
related?) popping up sporadically, usually in relation to Chrome, that 
I'd never seen before, over the past few days.

Any hints -- I'd happily disable the HUD (presumably "heads-up display") 
window if anyone can tell me how; likewise, any suggestions on where a 
keybinding conflict is coming in would be met with open ears.



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