gparted questions

Liam Proven lproven at
Mon Jun 25 10:08:11 UTC 2018

On Mon, 25 Jun 2018 at 09:33, Bob <ubuntu-qygzanxc at> wrote:
> Used dd to copy the 500gb (atached via a USB adapter)
> disk to the new 2tb disk.

That was not a good way to do it. It will copy the partition
structures for a 500GB drive onto the bigger one, leading to an
incorrect partition map.

There are multiple tools for doing this, and they're quicker, too.
``dd'' copies empty blocks as well as used ones.

It's been some years since I did it myself (on a whole-disk basis),
but when I did last, I used CloneZilla:

Ghost4Linux will do it too...

Liam Proven - Profile:
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