storehelpers.go:413: cannot refresh:

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Tue Jun 5 08:50:39 UTC 2018

Am Montag, den 04.06.2018, 09:11 -0500 schrieb Chris:
> After upgrading snapd:amd64 (, 2.32.9)the other day I now see
> this when I run sudo snap refresh:
> snapd[15552]: 2018/06/04 08:50:46.373711 storehelpers.go:413: cannot

you might have better chances to get more snap related answers if you
post this on ...

in general, when there are problems with snaps, the following bits are

the output of:

snap version

snap changes

snap list

and if the issues are related to execution of a snap app:

grep DENIED /var/log/syslog

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