Ubuntu 18.04 and wine

Jatin khatri khatri.jatin at gmail.com
Tue Jul 10 15:02:56 UTC 2018

On Tuesday 10 July 2018 08:27 PM, Colin Law wrote:
> On 10 July 2018 at 14:21, Jatin khatri <khatri.jatin at gmail.com 
> <mailto:khatri.jatin at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Dear All,
>     how to get wine running on Ubuntu 18.04 64bit ? unfortunately I'm
>     not able to get it working on Ubuntu ( it installs without issue
>     but unable to run any "exe" using command wine nameofexe.exe )
> I think it is more likely that you will get help if you show the 
> result of trying to run a particular exe. Copy/Paste the result here.
> How did you install wine?
> Colin


  wine Windows-exes/ammyy/a3.6.exe
0176:fixme:kerberos:kerberos_SpInstanceInit 65536,0x7e2743a0,(nil): stub
0176:fixme:process:SetProcessShutdownParameters (00000100, 00000000): 
partial stub.
0176:fixme:ntdll:NtQueryInformationToken QueryInformationToken( ..., 
TokenElevation, ...) semi-stub


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