Strange sudoers problem.

Tom H tomh0665 at
Sun Jul 8 14:13:17 UTC 2018

On Mon, Jul 2, 2018 at 8:11 PM Wynona Stacy Lockwood <stacy at> wrote:
> I have an odd problem with sudoers. Recently, I've tried to make use
> of /etc/sudoers.d/ rather than editing /etc/sudoers itself. This, in
> theory, should ensure that future upgrades to sudo will not munge my
> additions by leaving the stock /etc/sudoers intact. Research has lead
> me to believe that files in /etc/sudoers.d/ need to be dot files (I.E.
> a "hidden" file) and need to be mode 0440. I have done both of these
> things, however, the groups I define for sudo access in my
> /etc/sudoers.d/.devops.sudoers file are not processed, even after a
> reboot. Anyone else have this problem?

"/etc/sudoers.d/" files don't need to be dot-files. In fact, I doubt
that dot-files are read. AFAIK, files including a dot aren't read; I
assume that this includes a file that starts with a dot.

It's best to use "visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/<file>". Either $VISUAL or
$EDITOR will be used, if set; otherwise vi'll be used.

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