KDE mailing list?

Teresa e Junior teresaejunior at gmail.com
Sun Jan 7 17:19:33 UTC 2018

Em 07/01/2018 05:50, Volker Wysk escreveu:
> Am Samstag, 6. Januar 2018, 22:43:28 CET schrieb Teresa e Junior:
>> Em 06/01/2018 13:16, Volker Wysk escreveu:
>>> Hi!
>>> Can someone recommend a goot mailing list for KDE problems? There's "kde" and
>>> "kde-de", but they are both rather dead.
>>> Volker
>> That would probably be kubuntu-users, even if you just install KDE on
>> top of Ubuntu.
> Not much traffic there, either. But thanks.

Yeah! Actually, even the upstream lists at 
https://www.kde.org/support/mailinglists/ are low volume.

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