Booting Ubuntu on a UEFI computer

Bob ubuntu-qygzanxc at
Sun Feb 18 22:41:59 UTC 2018

I have purchased a new computer, it is my first UEFI coomputer so I am new to

I downloaded Ubuntu 17.10.1 ISO to install on an ASUS model X541S.  I disabled
secure-boot and fast-boot and enabled CSM.  On the first try I did not allocate
the bios_gurb partition and could not install.  On the second try I allocated
the bios_grub partition and the install completed.

Ubuntu will not boot.

I did some google searches and found that you need a few files in the /efi/boot
directory which I can not find anywhere.  Does the bios_grub partition have
those files?  I have not found a way to display what is in that partition.

Robert Blair

Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.  -- James Bovard, Civil Libertarian (1994)

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