Second monitor

Liam Proven lproven at
Sat Dec 29 23:41:23 UTC 2018

On Sat, 29 Dec 2018 at 21:39, Peter Flynn <peter at> wrote:
> It's whatever comes on a Dell XPS.

I think there is, or have been, quite a variety with different models.

> Yes, almost trivial. Just that I hadn't done it for well over a decade.

It's easier than it used to be.

In the very early days of Ubuntu, circa 4.10 - 5.x and maybe 6.x, I
used to keep SUSE around just for the screen setup tools. Ubuntu
assumed it could auto-detect it all and it couldn't. So I configured
my 2 Matrox cards with SUSE SAX then copied my /etc/X.11/xorg.conf
file over to Ubuntu's root filesystem.

Worked a treat.

But now it's normally easy.

> Nearly :-) The settings needed adjusting so that the landscape monitor
> abutted the portrait monitor with their baselines level in the little
> display adjuster window of the settings applet. Otherwise the portrait
> monitor distorted its vertical resolution.

Ah, yes. On LXQt I had to run a command to move the portrait screen to
the right of the main one, otherwise they overlapped and could not be
separated. May be something similar.

> This is Cinnamon and it seems to be fine now, thank you all for your
> help. Enlightenment SIGSEGVs at the moment, but that's probably just a
> setting.

Oh dear...

Liam Proven - Profile:
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