Second monitor

Paul Smith paul at
Thu Dec 27 22:21:35 UTC 2018

On Thu, 2018-12-27 at 17:56 +0000, Peter Flynn wrote:
> Before I rush out and buy cable, can I connect this second screen using 
> the DVI ports this way, and if so, will Ubuntu 18 detect it (or can I 
> configure it in the X settings) so I can export DISPLAY=:1 or whatever, 
> and then issue an xrandr -o left command or use some utility to rotate 
> the second monitor image.

I can't say whether your hardware can be connected that way: it would
require knowing about your video card, motherboard, etc.

However assuming that the hardware works, Ubuntu should have no trouble
with it.  I'm assuming you're using straight Ubuntu Gnome, I have no
experience with Mate, KDE, etc.  I also only use X, not Wayland, but I
suppose both should work.

All you have to do is open Settings and choose Devices then Displays. 
You will see your multiple displays and you can choose which one is the
"primary" display (has the panel etc.), drag them to the left/right so
they're on the correct side, and change their orientation between
landscape and portrait.  Your mouse will move between them and windows
can be dragged between them.

As far as I know there is zero need to muck about with different
DISPLAY values, run xrandr by hand, or any of that other stuff,

I move my laptop between standalone and hooked to a docking station
with two external monitors, all the time and it's no problem.

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