2 months and no response from Eben Moglen - Yes you can rescind your grant.

compdoc compdoc at hotrodpc.com
Mon Dec 24 16:32:49 UTC 2018

Dont use these lists trying to politicize. Your assumption that there is 
evil intent behind these agreements sounds like a personal problem. 
Spamming users wont bring your desired end.

By the way, rather than see this OS, or any OS like it fail, I would 
gladly contribute.

On 12/24/18 8:26 AM, vsnsdualce at memeware.net wrote:

> It has been 2 months. Eben Moglen has published no research.
> Because there is nothing more to say: The GPLv2, as used by linux, is 
> a bare license. It can be rescinded at the will of the grantor.
> The regime that the FSF used, (*stupidity continues from here...)

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