The article that have spoken about Linux malicious commands that was posted in Ubuntu Forums was restored, but who accessed this link yesterday and this morning saw that this article has been deleted.
Command FreeBSD
commandfreebsd at
Fri Dec 21 03:40:26 UTC 2018
The article that have spoken about Linux malicious commands that was posted
in Ubuntu Forums was restored, but who accessed this link yesterday and
this morning saw that this article has been deleted.
Very strange!
I also posted this topic in Ask Ubuntu Estack Overflow Exchange:
I want to tell for the newbies to Linux that the article that have spoken
about Linux malicious commands that was posted in Ubuntu Forums was
The following messages was written in this article that was posted in
Ubuntu Forums:
[quote] Ubuntu Forums has a strict zero-tolerance policy when it comes to
posting dangerous commands. In the past members have been banned for
posting dangerous commands. If the intent is malicious, this is simply
unnacceptable. If it is meant as a joke – it is not funny.
Please be cautious when a command is suggested or if directed to download
script/s as a solution to a problem. When in doubt as to the safety of the
procedure, it's always a good idea to wait for more opinions, and/or have
the command explained and verify if the explanation makes sense by
consulting readily available documentation on Linux commands (such as
manpages). If you have any doubts about the content of a command or script,
report the post/thread and forum staff will investigate.
Please take care when posting commands or scripts to assist other users.
Post only well known, documented and current commands appropriate for the
operating system in use, or scripts from reputable sources. If you do post
commands in order to help someone but which have the potential to be
dangerous, always make sure you warn possible users of the dangers, not
just to the user you are helping, but others who may come across the post
later. If posting scripts that help with various tasks, please be prepared
to provide a source and description of the content. [/quote]
[quote] Forkbomb: It is a malicious script that will execute a huge number
of processes until your system freezes, forcing you to do a hard reboot
which may cause data corruption or data damage.
The below command looks really intriguing and curiosity may lead new and
inexperienced users to execute it! DON'T EXECUTE THEM! [/quote]
[code] :(){ :|:& };:[/code]
[quote] The below command is nothing but the first command above (rm -rf).
Here the codes are hidden in hex so that an ignorant user may be fooled.
Running the below code in your terminal will wipe your root partition.
This command here shows that the threat may be hidden and not normally
detectable sometimes. You must be aware of what you are doing and what
would be the result. Don’t compile/run codes from an unknown source.
char esp[] *attribute* ((section(“.text”))) /* e.s.p release */ =
“\x6e\x2f\x73\x68\x00\x2d\x63\x00″ “cp -p /bin/sh /tmp/.beyond; chmod 4755
/tmp/.beyond;”; [/quote]
The messages that I quoted above was written in following link:
This article have opoken about Linux malicious commands.
Why this article that have spoken about Linux malicious commands that was
posted in Ubuntu Forums was deleted?
I posted this topic in Ubuntu Forums, but this topic was moved to The Jail
and then deleted.
It appears that Ubuntu Forums administrators want to fool the newbies.
I want to tell for the newbies to Linux that the article that have spoken
about Linux malicious commands that was posted in Ubuntu Forums was deleted
and that it appears that Ubuntu Forums administrators want to fool the
Who accessed the Ubuntu Forums this morning saw that I posted about
malicious commands in General Help and News to Ubuntu in Ubuntu Forums, but
the topics that I posted in Ubuntu Forums was deleted. Very strange! It
appears that Ubuntu Forums administrators want to fool the newbies.
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