Can't generate installer preseed file for bionic

Little Girl littlergirl at
Thu Dec 6 22:07:29 UTC 2018

Hey there,

Jiří Kraml wrote:

>I'm trying to generate an installer preseed file for Ubuntu 18.04 as 
>described in the documentation [1]. Unfortunately,
>$ debconf-get-selections --installer
>produces no output. Actually, /var/log/installer/cdebconf is not
>only empty, it doesn't even exist right after the installation. It
>is only created when I install debconf-utils.
>The documentation seems to be outdated. To whose attention can I
>bring this?

This command will display the contact information for the person who
maintains debconf:

dpkg -s debconf | grep "Maintainer:"

I've got no experience with the rest, but maybe someone else will
jump in and help out.

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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