Vertical taskbars on MATE

Liam Proven lproven at
Sun Aug 26 14:52:26 UTC 2018

On Sun, 26 Aug 2018 at 10:36, Peter Flynn <peter at> wrote:
> Enlightenment has settings for vertical taskbars, if I understand rightly
> what you mean by 'taskbar'. I thought most window managers did...

It doesn't work.

Again -- see the screenshot gallery I posted for an illustration.

A vertical _panel_ is easy.

However a vertical _taskbar_ requires that the taskbar controls on the
panel remain in horizontal, left-to-right (or R-to-L if that's how
your script works) orientation within a vertical panel that is
3/4/5/whatever rows wide.

Xfce calls this a "deskbar" and also supports vertically-oriented
controls. I find that useless myself, but whatever turns you on. I'm
not asking for anyone to lose anything. I don't want to take any
features away.

Liam Proven - Profile:
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