Smart questions and bikeshedding - Was: Install Brackets removes Boinc ???

Gene Heskett gheskett at
Fri Aug 24 11:05:41 UTC 2018

On Friday 24 August 2018 04:30:39 Ralf Mardorf wrote:

> On Thu, 23 Aug 2018 23:42:20 -0500, Wynona Stacy Lockwood wrote:
> >On Thu, Aug 23, 2018 at 10:58 PM, Nils Kassube wrote:
> >> Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> >> > Please read .
> >>
> >> Please don't refer people to that article. While there are
> >> certainly some good points in the article, it is written in an
> >> intimidating way. Therefore I don't think it is helpful for an
> >> ordinary user.
> >
> >Seconded. In fact, anything by ESR should be titled "How to write
> > like a pompous windbag."
> I had a point to post this link. Nils had a point to question this
> link.
> You are capturing the thread for off-topic bikeshedding. There's no
> point at all for your reply.
> Actually it's hard to help the original poster. I suspect he's
> interested in a solution or at least an explanation.
> Note, I not only posted this link, actually I posted the link and
> additionally what info he should provide, to get more than just...
> On Thu, 23 Aug 2018 19:36:47 -0500, Wade Smart wrote:
> >Ive never seen this before. Has anyone else seen this?
> ... a "Yes" or "No".
> On Fri, 24 Aug 2018 04:32:57 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> >On Thu, 23 Aug 2018 19:36:47 -0500, Wade Smart wrote:
> >>In installed Brackets and when I did it uninstalled Boinc.
> >>So I started to reinstall Boinc and it said it had to uninstall
> >>Brackets.
> >>
> >>Ive never seen this before. Has anyone else seen this?
> >
> >Please read .
> The above is the single line with the link, followed by 13 (18) lines
> related to the request:
> >Regarding brackets is not provided as a
> >regular deb packages for any Ubuntu release. It seems to be available
> >as a snap as well as a regular deb package by a PPA. The PPA I found
> >seemingly installs brackets, including required libraries that do not
> >conflict with library versions provided by official repositories.
> >However, you might use another source to install it.
> >
> >You missed to provide information.
> >
> >What Ubuntu release are you using?
> >
> >From what source do you install brackets?
> >
> >How did you install brackets?
> >
> >What output do you get? There's a reason, if installing one package
> >does remove another package and the package management will inform
> > you about this reason.
> Until now I don't see another post trying to help the original poster.
> Mine still is the only reply. The topic of the original thread isn't
> " ", it's "Install
> Brackets removes Boinc ???".

I was once in the top 500 runners when setiathome was actually a linux 
app, but removed boinc shortly after the new brooms made seti a windows 
app a decade+ back, then ported it back to linux, throwing folding at home 
into the mix too. But they ran the priority up so high it made the 
machine worthless for anything else. I fussed, they ignored me, I tried 
to get it to behave like the old seti at home, but everytime it restarted 
on a new packet, it restarted at top priority. I even had some heat 
induced system resets when my phenom got up to 135C.  Its showing 33C in 
gkrellm right now.

I fussed again, was basicly told thats the way it is.  I built this 
machine for ME to use, so I nuked it. Has it been improved to run more 
like the old seti at home, or does it still hog every cpu cycle it can get, 
leaving the user thinking his cpu is running at 1.79 MHz?

Just curious...

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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