term vs .desktop Corrected
Karl Auer
kauer at biplane.com.au
Mon Aug 20 13:01:20 UTC 2018
On Mon, 2018-08-20 at 13:32 +0100, Grizzly via ubuntu-users wrote:
> I can run a Wine app from terminal with
> wine D:\path_to_app\App.exe -O
> if I add
> Exec=wine D:\path_to_app\App.exe -O
> to app.desktop it does nothing
> I can use
> Exec=wine D:\path_to_app\App.exe
> i.e. no cmdline parameter, it then works but is of no real use
> without the "-O"
Nice problem description!
What does "-O" do? It's possible that it's function will not work
without a terminal to write to.
Also, are you really using backslashes? I would have thought that the
bash command line would swallow them in your first test at least. Try
using forward slashes?
To find out what's happening you could try turning on debugging output
(read "man wine" for info on that). There may already be wine logs
You could also try running your command line in a terminal from inside
the desktop file, so something like:
Exec=gnome-terminal -e "wine d:/apppath/App.exe -O"
... and watch the terminal window for clues.
Or run it in bash and redirect output:
Exec=bash -c "wine d:/apppath/App.exe -O" > /tmp/wine.txt 2>&1
The above commands are off the top of my head - you may have to fiddle
with the syntax, but you get the idea.
One way to maybe do an end run around this is to write a script that
executes wine and the app exactly how you want them executed, arguments
and all, then run that script from your desktop launcher.
> Also Icon=path_to_icon\app.png
> does not work either, I just get the standard Wine icon
Again, the backslash worries me.
Regards, K.
Karl Auer (kauer at biplane.com.au)
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