Stellarium problem

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Tue Aug 7 12:02:58 UTC 2018

Am Dienstag, den 07.08.2018, 13:46 +0200 schrieb Liam Proven:
> > 
> > (remember what happened if you had fglrx and nvidia drivers
> > installed
> > at the same time ?))
> No...?
it completely trashed X11 for good :)
(specifically if you had both drivers installed from upstream ... both
shipped libGL and libGLES in different locations ... whatever you had
installed last provided the lib (blindly overwriting the system ones)
... regardless of what driver was used.

> > the prob here is the way the stellarium snap itself is set up, it
> > isnt
> > a problem of snaps but a problem of this particular snap and we'd
> > need
> > help from someone owning an amd card if amd breaks standards
> > here...
> OK, call for volunteers to test this!
> Do you have AMD graphics?
> Do you have the AMD drivers installed?
> Please test the Stellarium snap!

whoops, i mixed you up with Tony actually, sorry ... 

thanks for the call for volunteers though, indeed that still stands :)
(i'm happy to develop a fix to give to plars for his snap if we get
more info about the driver locations for amd cards)

the snap is the easiest way for getting stellarium 0.18 on xenial
(which otherwise only provides 0.14 in the archive)

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