What is the universal (world wide) understanding behind degaussing harddisks?

Ken D'Ambrosio ken at jots.org
Mon Apr 2 14:34:35 UTC 2018

On 2018-04-02 10:25, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> On Mon, 2 Apr 2018 21:57:48 +0800, Teo En Ming wrote:
>> Please advise.
> For Zoho accounts my advice is to chose "Settings" > "Filters" and than
> to add the rule "Sender is tdteoenming2 at gmail.com" "Delete Yes".
> That is what I've done.

1) Alas, those instructions don't work for Roundcube. ;-)

2) I dunno -- it was pretty damn long-winded, but seemed above-board.  
Me?  I've *never* seen convincing proof that anything could be recovered 
from a drive that's been completely overwritten once with *anything*.  
I'm sure the DOD, etc., use crazy overwrite schemes, but the tolerances 
are already vanishingly small just to store the data, much less recover 
overwritten data.  Not saying it's impossible, but unless you're worried 
about the NSA, I'm thinking "one pass and done" is the answer.  Almost 
certainly preferable to actual degaussing, as that likely *would* leave 
remnant bits, unless you just completely overwhelm it.  Which is likely 
beyond the means of old degaussing rings used for fixing CRTs and the 



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