offtopic - Re: Setup for a dash cam.

Grizzly Real_Grizz_Adams at
Tue Sep 26 06:17:44 UTC 2017

26 September 2017  at 7:55, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
Re: offtopic - Re: Setup for a dash (at least in part)

>Btw. on German television they showed a nice promotional video some
>years ago. Somebody who looked like a NAZI skinhead run to a man and
>chuck him on the ground. After that a zoom out showed that the skinhead
>saved him from something falling down a scaffold.

IIRC that was

The Guardian's 1986 award-winning "Points Of View" /  "Skinhead" advert

You missed the bit where it also looked like he stole a lady's handbag at the 
start of his run


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