Setup for a dash cam.

Bret Busby bret.busby at
Mon Sep 25 08:25:19 UTC 2017

On 24/09/2017, Owen Thomas <owen.paul.thomas at> wrote:
> I want to ask this question now, before I purchase a dash cam, because I
> don't want to purchase one and find that it won't play with Ubuntu because
> of flimsy bespoke compatibility minutiae.
> Does anyone know a good hardware/software set up? I would think a dash cam
> that recorded to a well known video format on a USB device that I could
> mount simply by plugging it in is all I could ever need. Editing the
> footage may be a concern at a later stage, but if it was, I would want to
> worry about this at that later stage.
> Anything like this?
> Thanks.

What I would be looking at, if I was you, would be the specifications
of any dashcam in which you are interested; looking at the file

However, having said that, VLC on UbuntuMATE 16.04 seems to play all
kinds of video formats, including proprietary (?) video formats from
various television receiving devices.

And, i had purchased a video recording pair of sunglasses, a few years
ago, and was able to view recorded videos without any problems.


Bret Busby
West Australia


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 Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
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