Ubuntu 16.04 and Win 8 can't dual booting

Liam Proven lproven at gmail.com
Mon Oct 30 22:07:19 UTC 2017

On 30 October 2017 at 20:13, Xen <list at xenhideout.nl> wrote:
> I guess Win8 might not have its own BCD store which means it just
> piggybacked on the Win7 installation.

Honestly, I'm not sure of the precise details -- a lot has changed
since XP, the last version I knew that intimately.

If Win8 was installed _after_ Win7, it would add its own entries to
Win7's BCD, I think. So, remove Win7 and Win8 won't boot. But with a
little luck the install DVDS will fix that.

I'd suggest upgrading to 10, though. It takes no more resources, is
more current, still getting major updates rather than just bug fixes.
I actually kinda like it.

> If Win8 does have a store though it might be possible to still boot Win8
> using a loader command directly, but since Grub doesn't find anything, I
> guess not.

AFAIK Grub can only chainload an existing Windows bootloader. It can't
do load Windows from a bare disk on its own.

> I thought Windows didn't like to be installed on anything other than the
> first partition (I mean for the bootloader) but yeah.

The first copy must be. A second copy uses the first copy's
bootloader. So yes, that's right.

> Wiping win7 was not that smart, or not having a separate boot partition to
> begin with, but I guess it was not mandatory in Windows 7.

Well, true. Always best to leave Windows at the start and load Linux _after_ it.

Liam Proven • Profile: https://about.me/liamproven
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