(Solved) Internet is dying

Colin Law clanlaw at gmail.com
Fri Oct 27 12:41:21 UTC 2017

On 27 October 2017 at 13:35, Xen <list at xenhideout.nl> wrote:
> Volker Wysk schreef op 27-10-2017 13:43:
>> Hi
>> I've connected my desktop to the router with the new cable, for some
>> 17 hours now. (Had to squeeze the cable....) The laptop isn't involved
>> now, and there habe been no occurrences in the output of ping at all.
>> I don't know, what had been wrong. Is it the cable? The cable only?
>> It seemed like the router was broken.
>> I'll leave it at that, although there are unanswered questions, and
>> contradictions.
> Colin already answered the contradiction: one cable can effect the switch to
> such an extent that other ports are also effected.

I think it equally likely that in unplugging one cable the router, or
the other cable, was moved slightly putting the original cable into a
position where the connection was less reliable.


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