Setting dconf values as admin

Ralf Mardorf silver.bullet at
Wed Oct 25 20:54:55 UTC 2017

On Wed, 25 Oct 2017 22:28:09 +0200, Josef Wolf wrote:
>If the user already has a dbus session runnning, a new dbus connection
>will be started. Write operations on this new dbus session will go
>to /dev/null.

It worked for me at least for other dconf settings when running a Tails
3.1 live DVD. I experienced another issue that is related to
gnome-terminal profiles, off-topic here, since it's not related to a
dbus issue. OTOH running a user 1000 session I opened a terminal, run a
script under root privileges, that runs

sudo -u user_1000 dbus-launch dconf load /org/foo/ < bar

Perhaps dbus-launch does the trick, if a script runs in a user's session
under root privileges and the script does change dconf for this user
session and maybe it doesn't work to change settings for another user
running a session.

IMO dconf is annoying crap, it gains absolutely nothing, but makes
configuring a PITA. It's already bizarr that the path for dconf does
use "/" and the path for gsettings does use "." as separator.


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