TopIcons doesn't work with X.Org session [artful]

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Wed Oct 25 09:14:01 UTC 2017

Am Dienstag, den 24.10.2017, 19:27 +0200 schrieb Sascha Manns:
> Hello list,
> i have seen a interesting thing on artful.
> If i'm using the Ubuntu Session with Wayland, the Apps (like Shutter,
> Nixnote, Tomboy ...) are visible in the TopIcons place on the right
> side.
> If i'm using the Ubuntu Session with XOrg, that Apps aren't visible.
> Is there a different handling of such icons between Wayland and XOrg?

did you try without topicons yet ? the ubuntu session ships systray
icon handling by default and it should work in both display systems.

i'd rather guess this is an issue with the topicons plugin itself ... 


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